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Rufous-Sided Towhee

Scientific Name: Pipilo erythrophthalmus Family: Emberizidae Order: Passeriformes
Size: 7-9 inches. Range: Widespread throughout U.S. Habitat: "Open woods, undergrowth, brush"
Comments: Beautifully colored bird

  Click on any photo to open that photo full size in a new window.

Photo 1 of 6.   Location: Kathy's Backyard.   Date: 2013-01-01

Photo 2 of 6.   Location: Morro Bay.   Date: 2012-01-15

Photo 3 of 6.   Location: Kathy's Backyard.   Date: 2010-07-06

Photo 4 of 6.   Location: Oso Flaco.   Date: 2005-01-16

Photo 5 of 6.   Location: Morro Bay.   Date: 2012-01-15

Photo 6 of 6.   Location: Coyote Hills.   Date: 2003-12-27